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Ā Tips for your nonfiction bookĀ 

How much does self publishing a book cost? Aug 26, 2024

A few months ago, I wrote a blog on how much it costs to hire a book coach, and now it is time to explore how much self-publishing costs for nonfiction books.

The answer varies vastly, even more so t...

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How Much Is Coaching? Understanding the Costs of Hiring a Writing Coach Apr 04, 2024

How much does it cost to hire a writing coach?

To start this off with full disclosure,Ā 'How much does it cost to hire a writing coach?' is the same as 'How long is a piece of string?'Ā 

Or, more aptl...

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Do I need a writing coach to write a nonfiction book? Sep 21, 2023

It's normal to have questions about whether you need a nonfiction book coach when considering writing your book. What do they do? How do they help? Can I write a book without one?

Firstly, please nev...

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Writing recommendations: 3 Tips on Overcoming Writer's Block writing tips Feb 05, 2023

Writerā€™s block happens to us all, often at the most inconvenient times. Securing writing time can often feel like a small battle, and then when we finally sit down at our desk . . . nothing.

After ye...

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How can writing a nonfiction book help my business? Sep 05, 2022

There are many benefits to writing a book, both on a personal and professional level. Here are a few that you might not have considered before that benefit your business:

1) Convey your knowledge and...

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Motivation for writing: How do I write a book when I'm busy? Jul 12, 2022

Time. That precious resource we are often chasing each day. On top of everything else, how do we make time to write a book?

Like all goals, this one is much simpler to approach when we unravel it int...

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How should I begin my self-development book? Jun 04, 2022

You will often have an established coaching or therapeutic business when writing about self-development. You will know your niche inside out and have a wealth of information to share. But how do we or...

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Where to begin your autobiography or travel book as a memoir writer May 09, 2022

Autobiographies and travel books are written in a similar way to a novel. They are a story with a beginning, middle, and end. But where to begin? This is the question that haunts fiction writers. Wher...

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